To video je super. Skoda ze ho nedokoncili, vypada to ze tomu uz moc nechybi.
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The Neverhood Fórum » Volná Neverhood diskuze | Voľná Neverhood diskusia » Video - Koghead and Meatus » Odpovedať
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To video je super. Skoda ze ho nedokoncili, vypada to ze tomu uz moc nechybi.
This was for a character I made associated with a video game company in North Carolina. Koghead and Meatus are blue creatures that are supposed to be violent cartoon beasts in battle with giant synthetic monsters. Yes, it's a lot like GEAR and a common theme in a lot of my work.
I wrote and directed, but my lead animators were Mike Dietz and Ed Schofield. I think we did this in the year 2000 or 2001. We never finished it because we sent the footage back to North Carolina to do some effects work and they went out of business and now we can't find the people who might have the material.
The voices are by Rob Paulson.
The characters are owned by the NC company and are pretty much tied up and dead at this point since the company doesn't seem to be in the gaming business anymore.
This version of K and M you're looking at is a work in progress. It's not finished at all and shouldn't be seen as such. I'm mostly showing you guys how we do our work. If they request I remove it for any reason I'll have to do it immediately.
Asi se tehdy Doug jenom nudil. Měl to být takový "neverhoodovský" krátkometrážní film, ty scény i ta délka jsou tak, jak měly být. Jenže v úplném finále z toho nějak sešlo a zůstalo to takhle nedodělané... škoda
myslíte, že to měla bejt nějaká hra, film, nebo neměl co dělat?
To nikdo neví
Tohle není z Boombots, to je nějaký TenNapelův nedokončený projektík
tady totiž jak sis mohl všimnout není žádné boombots video
Znáte tohle skvělé video? Nikde jsem ho tady na fóru nenašel, ale byla by škoda ho minout.